
Showing posts from October, 2009

So behind on my reading 50 books this year

All right, I just found a list of books I made for myself and planning to read 50 books in a year. I am not certain this goal will happen, I am soooooooooo behind. Read: Twilight New Moon Eclipse Breaking Dawn The Tales of Beedle the Bard Fantastic Beast and Where to Find them Quidditch throught the Ages The Alchemist The Magician The Sorceress His Dark Materials (three books) The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe Charlotte's Web The Hunger Games Catching Fire The Return of The Little Prince Looking for Alaska An Abundance of Katherines Paper Towns Let It Snow Reading: Harry a History The Lost Symbol Missing Time Planning to read: Wicked and Cursed Inkheart Eragon Ten Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Prince Caspian Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Through the Looking Glass Wicked Son of a Witch Sadly I may have to accept defeat, there is no way I can reach that goal. Moral of the story, set a smaller goal next time. Sigh. Unless a miracle was to happen.